Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History publications, 1981 February
File — Box: 4, Folder: 22
This collection is arranged into five series: I. Professional papers; II. Associations and societies; III. Student papers; IV. Writings of others; and V. Personal papers. Series I contains reports, course outlines/curricula, course evaluations, and other files pertaining to planning and strategy; Walter Ridley's correspondence while working at different academic institutions; and invitations, university events printed matter, and meeting... minutes. Series II includes the correspondence, financial statements, strategic planning files, and any other materials directly having to do with the associations and societies in which Walter Ridley participated. Most of the committees have to do with education in Pennsylvania. Series III contains the few papers from Ridley’s years as a university student. Series IV contains publications from the different schools where Walter Ridley worked, local newspapers, magazines, as well as articles printed out and saved, presumably for Ridley's personal study. Series V includes the papers in this collection having to do with Ridley’s family and personal, biographical information. This series houses copies of Walter Ridley’s obituaries, as well as one for his brother, LeRoy.
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- Other: 1981 February
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This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 2 Linear Feet (5 document boxes)
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